Friday, January 30, 2009


Grisham is SO big! He weighs 19 pounds. He has 2 teeth now and has tasted home made sweet potato, applesauce, banana and carrots. His favorite is the banana and his least favorite is carrots. We'll try them again in a couple of days anyway. He has started growling at us. It's so cute hearing this deep voiced growl coming from this little baby. He also mimicks our laughs. He'll hold his mouth open really big. It cracks us all up. Just a few days ago he started holding his big bottles all by himself. He's been holding the small ones for a long time, but the big ones were more difficult for him. Now he holds his bottles like a pro. We are working with him on sitting up better and trying to give him more tummy time so he can learn to crawl. He doesn't like being on his tummy though, so within seconds, he turns himself over onto his back. Maybe he'll walk first! :0) Grisham will be dedicated at the church on Feb. 15th. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my family again. Enough for now. Maybe next time I'll update you on our crazy 9 year old!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hello Again

Grisham turned 1/2 a year old yesterday. I can't believe how fast it's all going by. I already know how fast little boys grow up, since my other one is 9 already. Grisham is 19 pounds now. I need to make his 6 month appointment because I haven't done that yet. I'm also going to get Gavin in for a check up because he didn't have one when he turned 9. I let Gavin have the day off of homeschool today because Collin is here for his 2nd day because the public school is closed because of the ice. Gavin has a hard time focusing on school work when Collin is here. Can you blame him?

I keep feeling like I'm slipping in and out of depression. Is that possible? When the snow and ice go away I'm going to go to the tanning bed a couple of times because I think it could be SAD (a seasonal depression caused by the cold and darkness). Today I'm doing much better than the last couple of days. I know that I am way too blessed to be depressed. I guess it also helps that I'm not trying to homeschool while there are distractions at home. It also helps that Grisham hasn't been as clingy today. He has been so clingy to me lately. I love it when I don't feel like I have a million other things to do, but I hate it when I do have things I really need to get done, but can't get anything done unless he is on my hip or screaming his head off in the background.

We got a little bit of snow last night and then lots of ice. Aaron made it to work just fine and I can't wait for him to get back home safely this evening. We are expecting a lot of snow over night tonight. I hope it's enough for Aaron to have the whole day off of work and for Gavin to finally get to use his sled that his Grandma Barb got him. I know he's jealous right now of the snow everyone in Ohio got. Well, that's enough for now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I thought I would write since I haven't really done that in a while. I've been struggling with a lot of things lately.

#1 I feel like I don't belong (except when I'm right here in the comfort of my own home with my husband and kids). Most of my family isn't saved so it's really hard to relate to them. They are living in the world, while I am trying so hard to live my life for the Lord. No one is perfect, but it's really hard for me (someone who lives life for Christ and tries to show His love through me) to relate to people who are liars, addicts and hypocrites. I still love them so much, I just wish they could see the greatness that I have found in Him and try to turn from the worldly ways.

#2 - I feel like a big fat failure. Aaron thinks it's because I have way too much on my mind and that I try to do too many things, but I just don't know how to let go, or slow down. I can't even catch up on my coupons. I can't keep a clean home, have patience and be creative with homeschool, discipline myself to eat better and exercise. I just feel like I'm losing complete control of everything. I feel really overwhelmed.

#3 - I feel unloved by people who I thought cared about me. Having my party in Ohio with such a small turnout really bummed me out and it's still getting to me. Why can't people take an hour or 2 out of their day to visit with me and the baby while we are in town? I don't understand why no one has time for me. As busy as I keep my schedule, I always make time for the few friends that I have. At least I know the truth that God loves me no matter what and I guess that should be all that really matters.

#4 - I have NO energy lately. I know this falls back to the part where I mentioned that I can't discipline myself to eat better or exercise. It's a vicious cycle that I try to stop but just can't.

Please pray for me to come out of all of this. I am so hard on myself. I expect way too much for myself, but ask my mom and she'll tell you that I've ALWAYS been that way. I also know that greater is HE who is in me than he who is in the world. I am more than a conquerer and I will come through this. I'm just fighting a battle right now and would appreciate your prayers and kind words. Thanks! Amanda

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Green mashed potatoes

Grisham didn't know what to think about the "grinched" potatoes!

Christmas Dinner

This is a picture of our Christmas dinner! LOL We had Heavenly Ham, stuffing, green mashed potatoes and gravy and yucky looking mac and cheese...thanks to the Grinch!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's new

Our little chunk is now over 18 pounds. His newest word is Daadaa. He's so animated when he says it. It's adorable and funny. Gavin had his first basketball practice and this coming Saturday will be his first game. I will be in Ohio all weekend for Scentsy parties. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I have a short-term goal that I think I'll be able to meet. If I meet that goal, I'll get $200 in free products and my upline consultant is going to give me a set of basket testers, so I have a lot of incentive to meet that goal! :0)

I have been having trouble falling asleep at night. It really stinks. I usually fall asleep around 1:30, then Grisham wakes us up between 3 and 4 and then Aaron gets up at 7. I really wish I could get one solid night of sleep!

While I am in Ohio this weekend, Aaron is taking Gavin to see the Harlem Globetrotters. They're going to have so much fun this weekend. I'm happy that they'll get more time to bond and have fun.

I am back on myspace for anyone who is interested. Just look me up under my e-mail,


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from the Rosen Family!
I hope you enjoy these pictures. They were taken early in December. Gavin was 9, Grisham was 4 months.

Happy New Year to all of our family and friends! 2008 was like a rollercoaster ride for us, only it had a huge drop off, but when it stopped, we were at the top. Yes, it was a year of trials, changes and challenges, but in the end, we couldn't be happier. I would take a look back to 2008, but if you are reading this I'm sure you know about the major changes in our lives. Lets look ahead to 2009! We recently discovered a wonderful church that is even closer to our home. It is called Bethel Harvest Church. It's extremely diverse and the preacher is very annointed. I definitely can feel the Holy Spirit there. We all love being there. Gavin is getting ready to start basketball for the first time. His team is called the Bobcats. I think that's pretty cool considering the fact that he loves cats and his uncles name is Bob and my dad is called Bob at work. I am still homeschooling Gavin. It's definitely a greater challenge with a new baby and new home thrown into the mix, but the resources and the support here are awesome. Gavin is extremely intelligent. He has excellent handwriting and he is learning Chemistry in the 3rd grade! I still babysit Collin after school and starting at the end of January, I will be watching Carlee and her baby brother Carson again just one day a week. I really won't want any more kids after having 2 nine year olds, a 3 year old, a 6 month old and a 2 month old all in one day. LOL Lord help me!

We made New Years Resolutions and predictions for 2009. My resolution is to really try to put God first because the Bible says in Matthew 6:33 that if you put Him first, everything else will fall into place. Some of my predictions are that Grisham will win a baby contest and Gavin will be 62 pounds by Christmas and that Aaron will change jobs and I will become a Scentsy director. We put our predictions up with the Christmas stuff so that we'll see it again when we decorate next year. That's a new tradition in our home.