Thursday, January 27, 2011

My little munchkins! I'm teaching Grisham early how to do dishes!
He looks just as thrilled as Gavin does! Ha ha


This is my brother Bobby and his daughter Danielle. They call her Danni. They came to stay with us for about a week. I'm hoping they come back again soon, but if not I feel blessed that we got to see them again and spend time with them. Prior to their visit, I hadn't heard from my brother in over a year and a half. It broke my heart not hearing from him! But, God heals the brokenhearted and takes what the devil meant for bad and turns it around for His glory!

Bobby, Danni and Grisham: Grisham is 8 months older than Danni, but they weigh exactly the same and wear the same diaper size. I think Grisham is just a tiny little thing!

Gavin at Basketball Practice (He's the one in jeans)

I'm so proud of Gavin. He's come a long way since his first year in basketball. He's more aggressive now. I'll try to get a video of an actual game soon. It's kind of hard because I have to take Grisham to all the practices and games because of Aaron's work schedule. You will probably always hear Grisham in the background of my videos, but I'm sure you won't mind!
For some reason Grisham likes wearing his shirts like this now. I always catch him pulling his left arm out of his shirt. If he's not running around like this, he's running around almost or completely naked. I guess that's okay as long as we keep the blinds closed! :0)