Today I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I've been battling migraines since the beginning of July. Right now the left side of my head is numb again and I feel sick. I'm trying to homeschool Gavin while Grisham watches Elmo. I have to go to the bank today and take a friend somewhere. I also have to get ready for an event that I'm doing tomorrow. I can't count how many times I wished there were either more of me or more hours in the day. I feel like every day brings new things that need to get done, but I never finish the things from today or yesterday. So everything just keeps piling up higher and higher. I just want to cry and shut down to the world for a few days. But for now, I can't. I have homeschool, and event tomorrow, and tent revival that I'm helping out with on Sunday and Monday. Oh yeah, I have to practice praise and worship songs for the kids at church on Sunday too. It just never ends. I want to take this full plate and throw it across the room!